Sunday, March 17, 2013


Drew is the epitome of a child.  He brings me so much joy with his childish ways and thoughts.  I love this age for him.  When I think of faith like a child, I see Drew.

A long time ago Stephen told him that all the boys in the world he would pick Drew to be his son.  Then we both started saying that at bedtime to him and now we created a monster.  A cute one though. Every night(many times) and any time I leave him at church he grabs my neck and goes through the same routine, "You pick me to be your son? You pick Charis to be your daughter?  You pick Daddy to be your wife?  What does wife mean?"  Same routine many times a day.  I used to correct him that Daddy was my husband but he wasn't catching on so I let it go.  I also tell him that God chose us to be his parents but he still says the same thing everyday.

He also likes to talk about my "married dress" and says he is wearing a Cars tuxedo when he gets married.  Lucky girl.

Stephen bought me a NKOTB CD for Valentines.  Jealous?  I played it once in the car and the kids loved it.  Drew always asks to hear "Block on the Kids".

I love his sense of wonder and joy.


The other night Charis came to our bed because she was scared and as I held her I thought how she is so much more than I ever imagined my little girl to be.

She is so much more beautiful, funny, imaginative, feisty, difficult, fun, girly, emotional, giving, dramatic, intelligent, and precious than I expected.

Stephen pointed out that even in her sleep she looks older, like she knows what she is doing.  He is right.  She amazed me from when I saw I her in the NICU.  She looked peaceful, strong, and confident.  All 4 lbs of her laid up under lights and she looked like she was running that place in her sleep.

God uses that little fireball in my life.  He teaches me so much as I parent her.  Which is more difficult than I expected also.  I am thankful for her strong personality and know it will be a blessing.  I am thankful for that tiny girl and that she is more than I could have asked for.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us
Ephesians 3:20