Thursday, July 11, 2013


 I love this pic of Dina with the girls.  Charis and Katie were laughing so hard at the fireworks.  Charis told me the next day that she "waffed and waffed" with Katie.  They are cute together.  Katie turns 3 this weekend.  It is crazy how fast time flies.  Katie is also ridiculously smart and said her glow in the dark necklace was like the "Aurora Borealis".  I had to just call Katie and ask her how to spell it.

 Funny pics I found on Stephen's phone:
 "Old Man Drew"...

We call this one the "Is it Real" pic...

Drew asleep at Sam's... he got heavy so we put him down;)

1 comment:

Dina said...

oh my goodness, all those pictures are the best! They made me laugh out loud. I bet someone at Sams would have paid good money for Drew!