Monday, March 28, 2011


Okay, this is a Public Service Announcement because I was so happy with the results. My papooses are now too big for their carriers but, still need to be rear facing (that sounds funny, only right then). Stephen and I had a hard time getting the seats in to where I felt they were secure so I called around and lo and behold Euless Police Department has a certified officer to install car seats... for FREE. We spent about 45 minutes (longer for me because our seats were all jacked up and we have two) and he taught me all about our particular brand, how to secure the seat, why, and where all the belts should go on the kids. He also reprimanded me because I had a basket of toys in the back seat that apparently could become a flying weapon in the event of a crash.
I was super easy to meet with him and I feel so much better now that I know how to work the seats and that the kids are safe. I wish I would have known this before so I thought I would pass the information along.

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