Monday, November 18, 2013


I love these people.  They are almost four and that hurts me.  I didn't expect four to hurt.  In interest of full disclosure there have been days in the last three years that I have thought "will kindergarten ever come?".  Don't judge.  I am just being honest.  But, now that Pre K is looming out there, Drew is getting tall, they write letters, ride balance bikes, and are real KIDS I would love to go back for a day when they were babies.  Thankfully they still cuddle. 

I love that they are best friends.  Charis will cut anyone that messes with Drew and that includes teachers that reprimand him (which he needs at times).  On our walk today Drew abandoned his bike on the sidewalk and ran up to Charis to hug her and then ran back to his bike.  He needed a hug.  Tonight they somehow convinced me that they would sleep if I let them sleep in the same bed.  We will see how that goes.  I still hearing whispers...

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