Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rock Star

I am feeling like a rock star today because I went to the grocery store by myself with TWO babies. Are you thinking big deal? Well, it is to me because I have been contemplating this since before they were born. I knew a double stroller and a grocery cart were not going to work and you can't fit two carriers and groceries in a cart. You probably are already thinking of your own ideas of how to shop with the twins but, it took me a while. I wore Charis in the sling and put Drew's carrier in the cart. They both slept most the time and were excellent! I don't know how much my groceries were because I was distracted by the nice man who, when he realized Drew was in the cart, pulled it back and got in his face. He was really sweet but, he asked which one was the girl and I had Charis in the sling looking out with a GIANT bow on her head. Who am I to talk? It took me 9 weeks to get a game plan and attempt to take my babies to the grocery store. To top off our perfect trip I stopped at Sonic- duh. I also was able to fold FOUR loads of laundry because Drew took a full nap today (yay). In interest of full disclosure, yesterday I showered and that is as far as I got all day.


amberdawn said...

Girl you are a rock star!!! That is totally awesome! By the way, I saw their pics on Kristin's blog, and they are AMAZING! Such beautiful babies!

Catherine said...

Wow, I think it took me longer than that to take 1 to the grocery store by myself. I had visions of a baby meltdown while i was all alone with a cart full of groceries. The best I could do was go to the Starbucks drive through- typically in my PJ's with a crying baby in the back. You deserve a metal!

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree, you are a rock star!!! I still get confused sometimes and put Chloe in her stroller and go in Target and walk up to get my cart and it hits me Oh crud, I can't push both.

The Kelsos said...

Way to go, Mama!!! You are a rockstar! I'm so proud of you! I remember it was frightening to go out by myself with just one!