Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Charis has skills

Yay! After much prayer my baby girl is rolling over. She did it for the first time on June 19th but, then wouldn't do it again for a while. I started to get worried and now she is rolling like crazy. Her new skill threw her for a loop for a bit. She couldn't sleep for a couple of days because she is a big fan of the swaddle and we had to ease her out of it now that she is such a big girl. She woke every 45 minutes screaming. She is not a CIO baby because she throws huge tantrums for something so small and kicks her little legs so hard the mattress comes up. Now we use a sleep sack and put her on her tummy (don't tell) and she sleeps better, only waking a couple of times at night. We are so proud of her new little skill!

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