Sunday, March 30, 2014

Back fire

Have you seen those ecards with Christian pick-up lines?  Here are a few below...

Christian pick up lines
After listening to my children and hearing tales from a few friends I thought we needed some for kids who misuse their Biblical knowledge.   My kids and others have used the good we TRY to impart for bad.  Here are a few examples...

1.  I will take your birth right away!
After hearing about Jacob and Esau that was overheard in my house when they were fighting over a toy.

2.  I will put chains on your heart!
Once again same child... After listening to Chris Tomlin they had questions about what "chains on your heart" meant and the next day this was an insult.

3.  I will sell you into slavery!
This was not my child but, a dear friends'.  His only prior knowledge of slavery was Joseph and his brothers selling him into slavery.

What do you have to add to the list?

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